Human Evolution
When did the ancestors of humans first start eating meat? Tooth fossils could provide some clues
Tina Lüdecke, The Conversation Dominic Stratford, The Conversation
Sexist and racist narratives were common in science at the time of Aristotle – and still are today
Rui Diogo, The Conversation
65,000-year-old ‘stone Swiss Army knives’ highlight the long-distance social ties of early humans
Amy Mosig Way, The Conversation
Cat and dog ‘moms’ and ‘dads’ really are parenting their fur babies
Shelly Volsche, The Conversation
Around 50 million years ago, Africa was an island. So how did primates get there?
Nicholas R Longrich, The Conversation
In a first, a new mystery human species has been discovered in Israel
Michelle Langley, The Conversation
IQ scores improved through the 20th century. Does that mean humans got smarter?
Roger Staff, The Conversation Lawrence Whalley, The Conversation
Why we can still recognise people in face masks
Eilidh Noyes, The Conversation Katie Gray, The Conversation Kay Ritchie, The Conversation
Ancient men were hunters and women were gatherers. Right? Wrong
Vivek Venkataraman, The Conversation
Early humans in Africa may have interbred with an unidentified ghost species
George Busby, The Conversation
What’s science got to do with it: Why hand-written love letters make us happy
Hetty Roessingh, The Conversation
Bones found in Indonesia suggest that ‘real-life hobbits’ shared Earth with modern humans
Paige Madison, Aeon
With new archaeological finds, what we know about the origin of humans is changing faster than ever
Elizabeth Sawchuk, The Conversation Mary Prendergast, The Conversation
Are humans good or bad? Here’s the prognosis, according to psychology
Christian Jarrett, Aeon
Findings on old stone tools in North Africa suggest new possibilities for the story of human origin
Mohamed Sahnouni, The Conversation Mathieu Duval, The Conversation
New findings on stone tools suggest prehistoric China may have been more advanced than thought
Ben Marwick, The Conversation Bo Li, The Conversation Hu Yue, The Conversation
The surprising role cheese played in human evolution
Penny Bickle, The Conversation
Scientists have managed to reverse the ageing of human cells in a lab
Lorna Harries, The Conversation Matt Whiteman, The Conversation
Are humans still evolving? What the case of free-diving Bajau Laut people tells us
Jan Hoole, The Conversation
When did we first become ‘human’? Neanderthal cave art discovered in Spain may hold the answer
Chris Standish, The Conversation Alistair Pike, The Conversation